Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Meaning of life, and all that hogwash

They say you get time to reflect on life and its meaning only while you're waiting for a torrent to download, or while in the shower, or while staring into the night sky finishing off that half dozenth peg of Blenders Pride. Okay, even then you mostly think of sex. But sometimes, the other 10% of the time, you do think about life, the universe, and other such big big stuff.

It's during times like these when a little dude inside your head tries to make small talk with you.

"Mama, the weather's nice no? Cool breeze and all."

Heh, yeah it is, but it's gonna become hot again tomorrow anyway... Wassup?

"Nothing ra...just wanted to catch up. It's been a while na."


"What do you think the meaning of life is bro?"

*raised eyebrows* Baane ekkindi ra neeku! :D

"Dude...we're having this conversation tonight. You can't just escape like this all the time!"

What are you, my girlfriend?? Stop threatening me... Let me just fill my glass again. You want more?

"Dude pls."


"Mama suno toh..."

That's that. We successfully dodge the question and resume our routine like an automaton. Tragedy averted. Or that's what we think.

Here's the deal: humans as a species have always wondered, if only fleetingly, about their place on earth. We're here - okay, fine. But why? What does the universe expect of us that it has put us in this great comedy of (t)errors? Did it give us intelligence so that we can invent the internet to look at pictures of cats and LOL? Or so that we can argue in Youtube comments about who the shittiest actor of the lot is?

Or wait, maybe the universe doesn't care at all. Maybe it created us by accident and said, "Oh shit. Alright, umm...look, live out your lives in peace. Aaaaanndd...try not to disturb others, OK? Gotta go now - I have expansion plans. Kthxbai."

The universe is our heartless mom who never came back to check if we're okay.

See, we are but specks of dust in cosmic sand, and our petty lives and imaginary problems are nothing in the grand scheme of things. We are matter that doesn't matter. We just eat, shit, fuck, reproduce, and make the produce repeat the exercise, and then we die. You and everyone you've ever known will be addressed as "late", sooner or later. There is no meaning to our lives.

All of this might sound really negative and depressing. Like there's no fuckin' point in living out whatever is left of this dreadful existence. Are we doomed?

Nope, there is hope. Cuz we can create meaning even if there is no pre-written one. We can define our own purpose, like many amazing men and women did before us. And find reasons to live and laugh and drink and be merry, among other things. This might be the most hippie thing that might come out from my mouth(or from my keyboard, rather): Love life, and life will love you back. Try sharing that love with fellow humans and pups too. It's all good.

And it's time we stopped looking for light at the end of the tunnel. Because it's in our flaming hearts. :)

PS 1: There's a very profound quote by renowned cosmologist and awesomescience thinker Carl Sagan about our lives and the planet we call home (you can listen to it here). I strongly recommend reading his work to gain a new perspective on things.

PS 2: Try listening to that little dude(or dudette) inside once in a while. They might actually be the best friend you've always ignored.

PS 3: The Man City - Barca game is about to begin, so I should stop writing any more PSs. Until later then!

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